We've Moved!
My sister and I unfortunately do not live next door to eachother, or in the same state for that matter, so we had to make the hard decision to go our separate ways. Don't worry! We are still doing what we love, just on different websites now:

Sarah Bledsoe:

Michelle Boothe:

Come Visit Us! We look forward to seeing you!


januz & kinga.

This couple was the sweetest couple.  I was on a vacation in Hawaii and wanted to take a picture of something beautiful, and  I ran into these two.  They are both from Poland and have loved each other their whole lives.  They came to America to get an education, and saved just enough money to get back home, and stop in Hawaii and get married.    There was nobody there with them, and they had no money to pay a photographer.  They didn't even have money for rings so they made these rings for eachother.  They asked if I could take a picture of them with their camera, but of course, I couldn't just leave it at that.  It was such a special experience for me to photograph them.    Out of all the the things to photograph in Hawaii, the most beautiful thing I photographed on this trip was true love- the essence of happiness.

michelle b.