We've Moved!
My sister and I unfortunately do not live next door to eachother, or in the same state for that matter, so we had to make the hard decision to go our separate ways. Don't worry! We are still doing what we love, just on different websites now:

Sarah Bledsoe:

Michelle Boothe:

Come Visit Us! We look forward to seeing you!


paul + jen.

I have known these two for several years now, and there could be no sweeter love story.  As long as I have known them, Paul and Jen have always been great friends.  Both have experienced the ups and downs of eagerly awaiting the right companion.  Many have told them they should marry, but when they  tried dating, things just didn't work out.  The years past, relationships came and went,  and still their friendship remained strong. Finally, they decided to give it one more try and much to their surprise, this time they fell madly in love.  All those things that they thought were deal breakers, were in reality deal makers.  They are so happy together, and it was a joy to photograph these two best friends.  Being with them reminded me that friendship is the essence of true love.

michelle b.